Premiere Vision Wellness by people who care.

Providing one of the most comprehensive, integrated wellness plans in vision health.

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October Is Contact Lens Safety Month

Lens Safety Month- Contacts are a popular choice for vision correction and for costumes, but stay aware of the risks.

6 Reasons to Sign Up for Vision Insurance during Open Enrollment

Vision insurance is an important benefit. Don’t leave it on the table.

Frustrated with Vision Insurers? Here’s How We’re Different.

Heritage has the network of an industry giant but the customer care of a neighbor. Across the country, whether helping a small business provide vision insurance for employees or onboarding a new eye doctor to our provider network...

How to Be Proactive about Children’s Eye Health and Safety

Many eye conditions are related to aging. Because of this, it can be tempting for adults to overlook eye care for children—especially if a child isn’t complaining about their eyesight, or if signs of vision challenges are not apparent.

How Do Hormones Affect Eye Health?

We’re going to cover the main hormones that can impact eye health, as well as different life events that can trigger these changes.